Professional Experience
Michael Yuzefovich M.D. is Board Certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology and licensed to practice medicine and surgery in three states: Virginia, New York and Florida. Committed to advancing women’s health care further, Dr. Mike multitasks his expertise as a consultant, educator, and innovator, specializing in the health, safety and well being of women.
At George Washington University, Dr. Mike completed his residency, where today, he is a clinical professor.
Dr. Michael Yuzefovich established the Gynecology Department at Mount Vernon Hospital and currently serves as its head.
When Dr. Mike is not busy practicing medicine, he is with his family, traveling abroad, flying airplanes, or listening to music.
Doctor Statement
“I practice medicine with all my heart. Because people give me their trust, an enduring commitment — I will always give each patient my very best.”
Dr. Michael Yuzefovich –
Founder of Virginia’s acclaimed Millennium Gynecology