Credit card refunds will be issued back to the same card. Refunds may take up to 3 business days to display on your credit card or debit accounts.
If you make a payment and still incur a bill, please email our Financial Director at, for the balance to be corrected. Sometimes an outstanding balance seen in your portal or that comes via regular mail, may not reflect any recent payments you have made.
We always encourage that you pay for services in advance of your visit. If you do so, please inform our staff that you have pre-paid for services.
For some services, additional payments may be requested at the conclusion of your visit, based on the complexity of care.
Insured patients may have Co-Pays, Deductibles, Co-insurances. These are charges specific to a patients contract with their insurance broker, and it is illegal for Millennium to waive such charges when due.
Some patients may be insured though elect to undergo services that are not covered by their insurance broker. If such a service is performed, the patient may on their own accord request reimbursement by their insurance broker; understanding that Millennium is not responsible to assist with non-covered services. Charges for non-covered services will be deemed the patients responsibility and billed directly to the patient. In some instances, such as infertility care, payment will be requested in advance of certain services, and Millennium is held harmless in the event a patient has a dispute over coverage with their insurance broker. Millennium will not guarantee the success of any procedure/ service and will not reimburse patients based on outcome. However, Millennium will return partial payments if a procedure/service is not performed.
Our Non-insured patients are offered outstanding reductions in cost. Please call us with an estimate charge for your care. Lab work is discounted by 70%. Lab work charges are not submitted by Millennium but by a 3rd party lab work company.
With Gratitude for your Trust,
The Millennium Team