Mommy To Be Guide: What’s expected of you?

Staying safe: It is important that you avoid any situations that may cause you harm. It is best that you apply a common sense approach to this recommendation. If you feel that you are under the threat of someone or in a dangerous situation, please call 911.

  • Wear your seatbelt in the car, every time zoloft 100mg.
  • Continue all prescription medications unless directed by a medical professional to stop.
  • Avoid activities that carry a risk of abdominal injury such as contact sports.

Staying positive: Babies can handle an enormous amount of stress, however it’s always best to maintain positive emotions, by securing an environment around you that will inspire serenity and good feelings. If you require stress reduction, we recommend exercise, support groups, and even prenatal yoga. Remember, this is your pregnancy, don’t let anyone spoil it for you.

Prenatal Vitamins

If you consume a well balanced diet, you will most likely fulfill all your nutritional needs for your pregnancy. Vitamin supplements can be thought of as “insurance” in case your diet misses any important nutrients. Look for a supplement that states it is “USP verified” which means that the product has passed strict manufacturing and quality standards, that it contains the listed ingredients without contaminants. Your supplement should contain:

In general prenatal vitamins, regardless of brand name or price, have similar nutrients. Sure, little differences exist, but these subtle differences are usually not clinically significant. A fancy, high priced supplement won’t do anything if you can’t tolerate swallowing it. For those moms who are too nauseous for a big pill, try a chewable Flintstones vitamin, but don’t tell Wilma or Fred!

Hydration: It is important to drink 8­-10 glasses of water each day. Dehydration can lead to headaches, fatigue, and even premature contractions. An easy way to check if you are drinking enough fluids is to check the color of your urine; if it is clear or pale yellow, you are well hydrated. Dark or bright yellow urine is a sign that you need to drink more water.

Exercise: Staying active and doing moderately vigorous exercise at least 30 minutes a day most days of the week has not only been shown to be safe for most women, but it reduces backaches, constipation & swelling, can prevent gestational diabetes, improves mood, helps maintain muscle tone, strength, and endurance and can help improve sleep. Walking is easy and free. Swimming is especially easy on the joints. If you were a runner before pregnancy, it is fine to continue so long as you remain comfortable. If you are new to exercise, start slowly and gradually increase your exercise time. You should be able to speak comfortably while you exercise; if you are too short of breath to talk, you need to reduce the intensity of your exercise.

Smoking, Drugs, and Alcohol: No quantity of tobacco use, street drugs, or alcohol has been shown to be completely safe in pregnancy, but all three have been proven to be harmful. If you consumed drugs or alcohol before you knew you were pregnant, don’t fret but please let us know. If you need help with quitting, just ask. We’re eager to help you be your healthiest.

Dental Care: It is important for your general health and for your pregnancy that you get dental care while you are pregnant. This includes routine cleanings and care for dental problems. Untreated dental infections can impair your ability to eat a healthy diet and may contribute to preterm labor. We are affiliated with Tysons­Dental. They offer our patients a complimentary discount and are available for emergency care. Go to www.Tysons­

Sex: If your pregnancy is uncomplicated, it is fine to have intercourse. Use condoms to protect yourself if you have any concerns about exposure to sexually transmitted infections. Communication with your partner is key, because your sensitivity may change and you may need to experiment with different positions to be comfortable. Slight spotting is common and normal after intercourse in pregnancy, but if you have vaginal bleeding, notify us immediately.

Travel: It is safe to travel by plane, train, and car. If you do, we recommend you get up from the seat every 1­2 hours for 15 minutes to increase the blood circulation in your legs. Some airlines restrict flights overseas at 34 weeks and beyond. Most domestic airlines restrict flights 36 weeks and beyond. This is not because it is dangerous to the baby; simply the airlines do not want to take a chance that someone will deliver on their flight. It is best to check with the particular airline regarding their flight rules.

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