What Is HypnoBirthing

Hypnobirthing is a technique that has been rising in popularity and is used before and during delivery. Hypnobirthing mainly involves using learned breathing techniques and some times incorporates guided meditation. Hypnobirthing is designed to help you get more in tune with your body, relax and use the power of your mind to control pain. Hypnobirthing shouldn’t replace traditional delivery techniques …

Chronic Pelvic Pain: Care Instructions

Pelvic pain in women is pain below the belly button. Chronic pelvic pain means you have had this pain for at least 6 months. The pain can range from a mild ache that comes and goes to a steady pain that makes it hard to sleep, work, or enjoy life. It can be hard to know what causes this pain. You …

Osteoporosis: Care Instructions

Your Care Instructions Osteoporosis causes bones to become thin and weak. It is much more common in women than in men. Osteoporosis may be very advanced before you know you have it. Sometimes the first sign is a broken bone in the hip, spine, or wrist or sudden pain middle or lower back. Follow-up care is key part of your …

HPV (Human Papillomavirus) Vaccine Gardasil®: What You Need to Know

What is HPV? Genital human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted virus in the United States. More than half of sexually active men and women are infected with HPV at some time in their lives. About 20 million Americans are currently infected, and about 6 million more get infected each year. HPV is usually spread through sexual contact. …

Cervical Polyps: Your care Instructions

Cervical polyps are small, smooth, red growths in the cervical canal. This is the passage between your uterus and your vagina. These polyps are almost never cancer. Most of the time, the cause is not known. You may have vaginal bleeding, or you may bleed after sex. Some women have a yellow or white discharge. Your doctor may remove a …